
Community and Camaraderie​

SABR Adult Soccer Overview

SABR’s Adult Recreational Program offers Weekly Pickup Games and Seasonal Leagues for men and women in Boca Raton, along with Monthly Training Programs and Competitive Leagues. As a community-based non-profit, fees cover fields, refs, uniforms, and supplies. Our aim is to create a fun, supportive soccer environment for adults of all ages.

Our Adult Program serves over 500 players, including parents, coaches, referees, sponsors, college students, and residents in Boca Raton, Florida. All skill levels are welcome! Focused on fun and camaraderie, slide tackling is prohibited. Membership runs from September 1st to August 31st, aligned with the Florida Adult Soccer Association (FASA), the official governing body for U.S. Soccer in Florida.

Pickup Games

Weekly Men's, Women's, Coed, and Over-50 pickup games, year-round.

Registration is year-round unless full. An annual fee applies, varying by pickup group.

Contact Us with inquiries and to register to play in our Pickup games. Do NOT begin to register until you have received confirmation from us that roster space is available for you.

  • Women’s 18+ Open to all ages 18+.
    • 18+ Participants are selected from the Men’s 18+ Spring League. Currently full.
    • 35+ Limited to players from the Men’s 35+ Spring League. Currently full.
    • 50+ Contact adultleague@sabrsoccer.net for information on joining. Currently full.
    • Coed Open to all ages 18+. Coed 18+.  Currently full and will reopen in September/October..

If you wish to propose a new pickup group, email adultleague@sabrsoccer.net for the application. Note that submission does not guarantee approval.

Seasonal Leagues

Adult Seasonal Soccer Leagues

SABR Women's 18+ Spring 11 v1 1 and Fall 7 v 7 Leagues

Each year, the Soccer Association of Boca Raton (SABR) offers a Spring League (11 v 11, 12 game season) and Fall League (7 v 7, 10 game season) for women 18 and over. Typically, games are played on Wednesday nights starting around 6:30pm.  As a recreational program with light contact play, we encourage playing for fun and camaraderie.  There are players in the league that played soccer in college as well as players in the league that played youth rec or pickups.  

Our League players are able to run for an entire half without issue due to injury/recovery or stamina. All teams are formed in order to have balanced skill level per team.

Women’s 18+ League games are recreational and are played on Wednesdays in Boca Raton, with games starting at or near 6:30pm and 8:00 pm. The Spring Season is played between March – May, and our Fall Season is played between September – November. 

We welcome all women to come out and play with us who are able to play in at least 2 positions while adhering to FIFA Rules Join our Weekly Pickup & Bi-Weekly Training to prepare for our League Seasons!

Each team plays with at least 1 sub. All players have equal playing time on the field each game, unless player(s) choose to sub out multiple times in one game due to exhaustion.

Click here to register for our 2025 Spring Women’s League.

Mens Spring Leagues

Spring Leagues for Men: 18+ and 35+. 11 v 11. Duration: Two 12-week leagues, running from March to May. Registration in February.

Biweekly Training

Biweekly Training Program

Our Training Program benefits all Weekly Pickup and League registrants.The SABR Training Program is modeled for all players interested in honing or developing their skills. The Training Program is great for those returning to play, learning the sport, or just wanting to do some drills with friends!

SABR Adult 18+ Training is open to all skill levels, and we play for fun and camaraderie. Trainings are generally held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the Month, 6-8pm, in Boca Raton. Some months, our permit days/times may change based on field availability.

SABR Women Members with an Active Pickup Registration are able to join the Training Sessions for free as a benefit to their membership! Newcomers, Beginners, and Returning Players: Mandatory training is required before attending pickups or leagues.

The SABR Women’s Biweekly Training Program is developed by our SABR Professional Director of Coaching and Player Development, Carrie Barker.  Carrie has over 25 years of coaching experience at the collegiate level, youth club level and Olympic Development level.  Meet our Professional Trainer, Carrie Barker.

Click here to Register for Training.

Modified SABR Rules
Modified SABR Adult Rules

All SABR League & Pickup Games require every player, including guests, to have FASA Insurance, purchased on or after 8/1/24 here:  https://app.teampass.com/Soccer_Association_of_Boca_Raton/ 

All FIFA rules will apply with the following exceptions:

  • No slide tackles
  • SLIDING: In the Adult Recreational Leagues, a slide by a field
    player that does not impact another player will result in a foul
    resulting in a change of possession/ indirect kick. A “field player” is defined as any player that is not the Goalie; however, if the Goalie ventures outside of the 18, the Goalie would be considered a field player at that moment.
  • Unlimited substitution on goal kicks and throw-ins
  • Flat wedding bands may be worn – no other jewelry allowed
  • When a field player receives a yellow card, they must leave the field and can be replaced by a substitute (does not apply to goalkeeper). That player can re-enter the game at the next goal kick or throw-in
  • When a field player or goalie violates the SABR Code of Conduct, they will be removed from the field by a SABR Manager, without stoppage of play and without substitution until the next goal kick or throw-in.
  • Aggressive or Violent play or behavior during SABR events is not tolerated and will render a Player to be ineligible to play with SABR
  • Threatening, Insulting, or Abusive language or behavior toward other SABR members is not tolerated and will render a Player to be ineligible to play with SABR.