SABR Adult Modified Rules

All SABR League & Pickup Games require every player, including guests, to have FASA Insurance, purchased on or after 8/1/24 here: 

All FIFA rules will apply with the following exceptions:

  • No slide tackles
  • SLIDING: In the Adult Recreational Leagues, a slide by a field
    player that does not impact another player will result in a foul
    resulting in a change of possession/ indirect kick. A “field player” is defined as any player that is not the Goalie; however, if the Goalie ventures outside of the 18, the Goalie would be considered a field player at that moment.
  • Unlimited substitution on goal kicks and throw-ins
  • Flat wedding bands may be worn – no other jewelry allowed
  • When a field player receives a yellow card, they must leave the field and can be replaced by a substitute (does not apply to goalkeeper). That player can re-enter the game at the next goal kick or throw-in
  • When a field player or goalie violates the SABR Code of Conduct, they will be removed from the field by a SABR Manager, without stoppage of play and without substitution until the next goal kick or throw-in.
  • Aggressive or Violent play or behavior during SABR events is not tolerated and will render a Player to be ineligible to play with SABR
  • Threatening, Insulting, or Abusive language or behavior toward other SABR members is not tolerated and will render a Player to be ineligible to play with SABR.